Distributed Technologies, Platforms, and Services for Smart Cities

Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamy, Senior scientist, IBM Research - Bangalore

Speaker Profile
Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamy is currently working as a senior scientist at IBM Research in Bangalore. He received the PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has worked as a Platform Architect at Intel, and as a Senior Staff Researcher in the Office of the Chief Scientist at Qualcomm. He served as the Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Wireless Communications from 2009-2014. He is an inventor on 58 granted US patents, and has published 70+ papers with 3 best paper awards.

Edge computing offers significant promises to smart cities
wherein processing happens at the perimeter of the network rather
than at the data centers — offers value by
analyzing data close to the source, at the lowest possible latency.

Company Profile
The IBM India Research focuses on innovations in machine learning, natural language processing, blockchain technology, data security,Internet of Things and cognitive systems for various domains such as education, agriculture, healthcare and smart cities.

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