19th and 20th July, Bengaluru
“Our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in cities." - Ban Ki-Moon, Former UN Secretary-General
The population of cities will continue to grow at an accelerating pace for at least the first half of the 21st century. If well-planned and well-managed, urbanization can be a powerful tool for solving the urban problems we face today. Cities across the world now recognize that investment in smarter, greener technologies can help optimize resource use, offering a way to renew the struggling urban centres.
The India Advantage (TIA) Summit returns to continue conversations with the experts and focus on the next stage of city development. The 2018 edition aims to accelerate the innovation and sustainable development in Indian cities through meaningful dialogue and cooperation between the urban stakeholders.The 2 day summit will feature 250+ delegates, including experts from over 10 countries including Germany, Switzerland and the UAE.
Summit Pillars
City Governments & Regions
Local governments set the overall direction for their cities through long-term planning. Setting the vision, and then ensuring that it is achieved, is one of the most important roles of local government. Hear from the city representatives the success stories and lessons they learned.
Multi-National Firms & Start-ups
The New Urban Agenda calls on businesses "to apply their creativity and innovation to solving sustainable development challenges". Start-ups in particular have a major role in bringing cost effective retrofit solutions to the cities. This session will feature companies pitch their innovative solutions to the decision makers.
Banks & Investors
While financing options are not evolving quite as fast as technology, they are evolving nonetheless. It is imperative that urban stakeholders understand the nuances, advantages, and shortfalls of each mechanism before choosing a tool to finance projects under their purview. Urban stakeholders will have a chance to learn from a panel of leading project financing experts.
NGOs & Research Institutions
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played a major role in pushing for sustainable development in cities. These actors are demonstrating their value as facilitators, service providers, advocates as well as innovators. Engaging business with non-profit sectors to find common solutions to problems has been an increasing trend globally.
Featuring Express Talks (10 minutes) by renowned thought leaders, CEOs, and startup founders :
• The New Urban Agenda
• Digital disruption in 21st century cities
• Data driven cities and the role of open data
• Learnings from Govt. of India urban missions- Smart Cities Mission, AMRUT, HRIDAY etc.
• Innovative financing models
• Case studies of successful urban projects
• The role of NGOs and research institutions